Friday, 30 September 2016

Monday, 26 September 2016

Film Catalogue

To what extent can John Carney be deemed an auteur due to his consistent narrative focus upon music as a unifying bond?

Item 1 : Once (2006) Director : John Carney
I have chosen Once as my focus film as it is Carney's debut film and to date one of his most critically successful.  His narrative structure is similar across all of his films, which is the consistent focus on music and the presentation of music within the film. More specific examples are things such as the undefined relationship between the protagonists and the introduction of characters through song all Item 1, 2 and 3 all open with the main character performing. This also being the first one establishes the films he most enjoys making and excels at. This film has also seen success in other formats and is referenced by Carney as part of a "trilogy" along with item 2 and 3.

Item 2: Sing Street (2016) Director: John Carney
There are many similarities between this item and item 1 as it carries a similar narrative structure, such as the main character being introduced through song in the opening scene and the two main characters meeting and forming a friendship through their enjoyment of music. Similarly to Once the plot ties directly to the directors real life background and uses music as a driving force to strengthen characters relationships and is used as a way to express characters emotions within the film. This will be useful to me as I can easily analyse the similarities and differences between this film and item 1.

Item 3: Begin Again (2013) Director: John Carney
I chose this as it follows an almost identical narrative as Once, as both halves of the leading two characters are from a broken marriage which reconciles in the end. The two characters that are followed mainly throughout the story don't end up together, but perform together using music as a way to establish their emotions. This is useful to me as it due to its similar narrative, it shows how Carney can be seen as an auteur, and also shows how music is used as a unifying bond.

Item 4: Film/Genre by Rick Altman
The book discusses the common conventions of the musical genre and references some classic features of the genre. Using this book I can distinguish conventions Carney takes and neglects and how he uses them to shape his own films. This book is therefore quite useful for a basic overview of genre theory.

Item 5: Why Sing Street director John Carney regrets the film's ending - The Verge
During this interview John Carney talks about the importance of music within his films and how it plays a part in him picking the actors behind the scene, and also how the actors affected the characters. This item also discusses the relation between this film and Carney's past films which will help me make more distinguished links that establish him as an auteur. His discussion of music within this interview, highlights how key music is within the film.

Item 6: Director john Carney fuses movies with music
In this item Carney discusses the importance of music within the plot of the film and how it conveys the characters emotions. It also discusses important decisions behind the scenes of the film and how they helped shape it. This interview goes into more depth about why the main characters use music as a vice within the film similar to Carney's other successful films. This will be useful to me as I can use it to make a link between his use of music and how key it is within the narrative and how regularly it occurs within his films therefor establishing him as an auteur.

Item 7: 'Once' director does it again with 'Sing Street'
In this interview Carney talks about the conventions within his own films such as the open endings with no specific outcome for the main characters and in item 1 and 2 how the main characters never have a romantic relationship, Carney also discusses criticisms that he often gets and why he still continues to make films in a similar way. He talk's about how he makes his films "fantasies" and the importance of music in his own life and why it has managed to leak into his films to create his distinct auteur style.

Item 8: Sing Street Review                               
This review discusses common themes running through John Carney's films in terms of his use of music, and his portrayal of the main characters starting off somewhat cynical and through music with the other main character always end up happier. This review also discusses how he uses common convention to create the vision of an auteur. Towards the beginning it also talks about how Carney has created a distinct style and became known for making "magic music making movies" and consistently links the film back to Carney's other work. This is useful as I can take what the article says about Carney's style of directing and use it in my presentation speech as clear examples of how Carney could be seen as an auteur.

Item 9: Begin Again Review
This review gives a brief over view of the film, within it it includes parts of the plot that are similar to item 1, and also differences due to things such as budget but also lacks the emotional impact of 'Once'. This review also talks about how the musical element in this film is slightly less realistic and not as important, this is useful as I can discuss how music is perhaps always involved to for Carneys enjoyment.

Item 10: John Carney describes Sing Street as part of a greater trilogy
(Interview) (Brief review)
This item talks about similarities and differences between John carneys 'Once' and 'Sing Street'  such as Sing Street representing the life of younger characters, and portraying characters that are slightly more optimistic, however both films have a main character that moves away to chase their musical dream. , this review also uses terminology and specific mentions of their differences. Also, Carney himself comments on his use of music within Item 2 and talks about how he sees 'Once', 'Begin Again', and 'Sing Street' as "canon movies". This will be useful because if other people can see a distinct narrative throughout Carney's films it will be easier for me to discuss the similarities within them if more people notice.

Item 11: Sing Street review
This review gives distinct differences between Once and Sing Street, like how Sing Street is more auto-biographical this review also discusses how they are similarly different, and how the different type of music effects the film as a whole, and how music is used to direct a film at different viewers. This review also discusses how Carney carries a distinct style or "can't change his spots" and improvements he has made in the recurring narrative across the 3 films. It also talks about how Sing Street is a blend of Carney's other successes and how it has improved from his past releases as well as constantly referring to 'Once' and 'Begin Again'. This is useful as I can use it to argue to either a very large extent or no extent at all, as this review could be read as how Carney keeps a narrative to establish himself as an auteur or, seen to discuss how he essentially makes the same film.

Item 12: Sing Street Review
This review discusses Carney being a "music movie auteur" then discusses how elements of the film hold the same narrative in terms of the use of music as a driving force for relationships as his larger music films Once and Begin Again. As this article uses the word auteur I can use it to argue a certain extent based on elements of the authors opinion therefor it is very useful to me.

Item 13: Interview with John carney
In this interview Carney discusses how this film relates to Once, and differs to Begin Again, and how he personally feels the films are different and similar, and how music is important to the plot but he doesn't want to make musicals. In this interview he also talks about how the difference in budget affected the quality of the films. This is useful to me as the similarities can come straight from the person who made them, therefor I can determine how much he wanted to be established as an auteur due to his similar narrative style which involves the use of music, and a male and female protagonist.

Item 14: Interview with cast and John Carney
Carney talks about how music drove the narrative of Sing Street and the importance of it with this film. This interview is states similar things that are said in interviews about Once and Begin Again, therefor direct links between the use of music within these films can be made.

Item 15: Auteur Theory
"Teach yourself Film Studies" by Warren Buckland
This book discusses about and goes into depth about what things can establish someone as an auteur, such as the distinct This will be useful to me as my question revolves around whether or not John Carney can be established as an auteur, using the detailed guide within the book about what establishes someone as an auteur, I can use the information to discuss the extent to which John Carney could be seen as one.
Item 16: Film Featurette with John Carney
(Film Featurette)
In this video John Carney discusses his personal connections to the film Sing Street, he discusses how the film is linked to him and how the main character is a depiction of how he would've wanted himself to be at that age. I thought this would be useful when comparing Sing street to my other two films Once and Begin Again, as even though Sing Street is one of his films it follows characters who are much younger and is a period film unlike the other two. This could help explain some of the films differences.

Rejected Items
On the Edge : (Film)
Director : John Carney
The film doesn't include references to music, and isn't often spoke about by Carney, though this film came out in 2001 before 'Once' most people would say 'Once' is Carney's debut film and disregard this one. It is also irrelevant to my study as I focus on music as a unifying bond as a defining theme in Carney's films and this film doesn't involve it.

John Carney criticises Keira Knightley: (Interview)
This interview discusses elements behind the scenes and John Carney's personal relationship with other cast members, which doesn't relate to John Carney's use of music or whether or not he will be an auteur,

Interview with Marketa Irglova

This interview doesn't discuss conventions or John Carney's style as a director, instead it tends to focus on elements of performance within the film therefor it is not of use to me.